What you will need:
Craft foam in the colour of your choice
Mask stencil (plenty of templates can be found on Google)
Glue (I used fabric glue, just because had it handy, you could use pva too)
Permanent Texta
To make:
First cut out your template, and check the sizing on your or your child/rens face. I measured my daughters face first and then drew a stencil to fit.
Cut your ribbon to the desired length, measuring from your temple, ensuring you have enough excess to tie it at the back.
Using some of the scrap foam, cut out two small pieces just wide enough to cover the end of your ribbon.
Glue the ribbon to the back of the mask and press to secure. Over the ribbon, glue the small pieces of foam so that the ribbon won't rub on the face and hold to secure.
Once the glue has dried, flip your mask over and draw carefully around the edge of the mask and eyes to give the mask a little quick detail. (You don't need to add the outline, I just felt it finished off the mask well)
And then you have a finished mask :)
Wear and be super!

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